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“An allegedly improper purpose for an official act does not rob the act of its official character,” Trump’s lawyers wrote. “A president’s purpose or motive is once again irrelevant to whether his acts fall under the outer perimeter of his responsibilities.”

Re­pub­li­cans are in­ves­ti­gat­ing cor­rup­tion al­le­ga­tions against Biden fam­i­ly in push re­ject­ed by White House as base­less.

"Lyin' Cassidy said that I threw my lunch at the wall," Trump wrote at the time. "I actually threw it at Rudy Giuliani, and he ducked."

Há 35 anos, um desempregado sequestrou 1 aviãeste — seu plano era atingir o Palácio do Planalto e matar este presidente

Es abogado, tiene 51 añESTES y Destes hijos con su esposa, Malena Galmarini, actual titular do la empresa estatal de agua corriente y saneamiento (AYSA) qual opera en la ciudad por Buenos Aires y sus alrededores.

The Trump lawyers repeatedly suggested that the outer perimeter test – used by the supreme court in Nixon v Fitzgerald (1982) in which the justices found that presidents have absolute immunity from damages liability for acts related to their presidential duties – should apply to criminal cases.

which the White House says are borrowers who made 20 years or more of payments "but never got the relief they were entitled to."

BBC News Brasil - Houve 1 momento em que este presidente Lula ele decidiu retirar os militares do GSI da sua própria segurança e depois voltou atrás. Este senhor acha qual ele nãeste teve força ou de que fez isso de modo a se manter nesse meio-termo qual ele vem tentando alcançar?

A Ainda mais notória medida do Trump nesse sentido foi tomada em junho do 2017, quando ele anunciou a retirada Destes EUA do Acordo do Paris, um tratado internacional de que prevê metas por emissões de gás carbônico de modo a os seus muitos membros.

Não raro ele quebrou regras tácitas da democracia americana, tais como ao se recusar a conceder sua derrota nas urnas ou ao se abster do participar da posse do sucessor.

The for­mer US pres­i­dent is stand­ing tri­al, ac­cused of car­ry­ing out busi­ness fraud in New York.

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“There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States,” said Mr.

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